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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2292 22/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society In the Matter of :- sh. Karan Saluja and Sh. Rakesh Trehan (Applicants) Versus Punjabi Bagh CHBS Ltd.. (Respondent)
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2309 22/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society The competent Authority has granted approval for further extension of tenure of Sh. Pawan Chopra, Administrator-cum-Returning Officer in Punjabi Bagh CHBS
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2294 19/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Sh. Ajay Arora, Dy. Secretary, AR department as Inspection Officer u/s 61 of DCS act, 2003 to inspect/examine the documents/records of Ekta CGHS Ltd.,
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2300 19/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Approved list of 47 members of S.B. Youth Cooperative Group Housing society Ltd., (Registration No. 1014/GH), Plot No. 6B, Sector-02, Dwarka, New Delhi
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2295 18/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI Order No. 82 dated 18.07.2024 vide I.D NO. 586
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2293 16/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Sh. Jitender Sihwag, Dy. Secretary as Administrator-cum-RO in East End Apartments CGHS Ltd., Mayur Vihar I extension, Delhi-110096
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2296 12/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society The competent Authority is pppppppppppppppppleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to nominate ARCS (Admin) as the Welfare Officer in respect of the office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies for the purpose/Cases of appointment on compassionate grounds.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2291 12/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Amendment in Bye-laws No. 34 and 35 )6) of the society.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2288 10/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Change of Address of Society namely "Queen Garhwal Co-operative (U) Thrift and Credit Society Ltd.,"
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2289 9/7/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Mr. Tariq Salam, DRCS (Retd.), as Administrator-cum-Returning Officer, in the Upkar CGHS Ltd,.
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