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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2233 3/5/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society In the Matter of Bhagwati CGHS Ltd. vs Shri Rajesh Rastogi
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2239 3/5/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Bhagwati CGHS Ltd., (Petitioner) Versus Neeraj Dhawan and Naina Dhawan (Respondents)
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2222 30/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Forwarding name of Sh. Pramod Kumar (Membership NO. 305) member of the Railway Line Staff CGHS Ltd. (Regd No. 12-GH) for holding draw of lots.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2223 30/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Shri Huckam Chand AR (Policy) is herby, nominated as Nodal Officer for "SDGs State Indicator Framework for monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Delhi"
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2220 24/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Intimation regarding registrtation of "Corker Cooperative Labour and Construction Society Limited."
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2226 23/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Sh. Ajay Arora, Dy. Secretary ( AR Department) has appointed as Inspection Officer in Milan vihar, CGHS Ltd.,
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2221 22/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Sh. Tariq Salam, Retd. Dy. registrar, O/o RCS, as an Administrator-cum-Returning Officer in Patel Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd., Plot NO. 10, Sector-13, Rohini, Delhi-110085
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2219 19/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Intimation regarding registration of "Jan Lok Cooperative (U) Thrift and Credit Society Ltd,."
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2228 19/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society In the matter of Smt. Seemma Mehra (Petitioner) Versus The Chetak CGHS Ltd (Respondents)
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2337 18/4/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Extended tenure of Sh. Rakesh Kumar, Deputy Secretary (RERA), as Administrator-cum-Returning officer in the Yesco CGHS ltd.,
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