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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2353 6/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Shri Amit Pamasi, DANICS as Administrator-cum Returning Officer of the Ministry of Home Affairs Cooperative Thrift & Credit Society Ltd,.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2348 6/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Sh. Ram Kumar Bhoria Retd. Under Secretary as Liquidator in Safdarjung CGHS Ltd.,
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2346 5/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Sh. M.K. Negi, Gr. I (Retd.) as Returning Officer in Ishwar Nagar co-op. House Building society Ltd.,
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2349 5/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Change of Address of Society namely "The Jan jan Kalyan Co-operative (U) Thrift and Credit Society Ltd,."
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2338 3/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Shri Amit Kumar Pamasi, (Dy. Dir.) appoint as Returning Officer in the Vaish Cooperative Adarsh Bank Limited.,
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2343 2/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society In the matter of : Sh. Mahesh Kumar Ahuja (Membership No. 645) Through his Attorney Ms. Sudha Gupta Flat No. 1652, Talaganj CGHS Ltd. Plot NO. 49, Sector-13, Rohini, Delhi (Petitioner)
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2344 2/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society In the matter of :- Ms. Shakuntla (Petitioner) Versus 1. Shri Kartar Singh Dahiya 2. Shri. R.K. Gupta 3. Mrs. Aradhana Srivastava (Respondents)
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2345 2/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society In the matter of :- Sh. L.N. Dhawan (Petitioner) Versus Managing Committee of Nav Nirman CGHS Ltd., (Respondent)
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2340 2/9/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society In the matter of :- Smt. Madhu Lomesh W/O Sh. Raj Kumar Lomesh (Membership No. 841) General Attorney in successor of Sh. Krishan Lal Flat NO. 551, Talaganj CGHS Ltd., Plot NO. 49, Sector-13, Rohini, Delhi (Petitioner)
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2339 29/8/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Amendment in Bye-laws No. 35(1), 35(2), 35(3), 36 and 39 of the society.,
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