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Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2433 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI filed By Sh. Rahul Jain R/o B-308, Manav Apartments.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2438 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society आरटीआई दायर । श्री जनक लाल साहू निवासी एफ-2/78, सुंदर नगरी दिल्ली-110093
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2435 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI filed by Adv. Ashok C. Prakash Malhotra, R/o B-2/108, Milan Vihar Apptts.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2436 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI filed by Ms. Sunita Bhatia R/o 1705, Astha Kunj, plot 3, Sector-3, Dwarka.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2430 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI filed by Sh. Vishnu Agrawal, R/o Flat NO. 265, Vigyapan Lok, Delhi Advertising CGHS Ltd.,
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2432 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI filed by Sh. K. N. Pant R/o House No. 606, Manchahat Apartments.
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2431 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI filed by Mrs. Kalpana Jain R/O Flat NO. 34, Pragati Apartments,
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2434 13/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society RTI no. 91 dated 04.03.2024 filed by Sh. Shashank Jain R/o P-106, Gali NO.7, Shankar Nagar Extn. Delhi-110051
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2422 12/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Administrator Order of Modern CGHS Ltd. Registration No. 397/GH
Comp.No:Odr(2024)/71/2425 11/12/2024 Registrar Cooperative Society Approval to appoint Sh. A.C. Choudhary, AAO as Returning Officer in The Delhi State Co-operative M&S Federation Ltd.
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