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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/979 22/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society WORK ALLOCATION ORDER IN R/O ARCS
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/978 19/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society WORK ALLOCATION ORDER
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/969 18/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/s 91 of DCS Act, 2003,(Manjit Singh Mehta Vs Riviera APTs., O.C.H.S. Ltd.)
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/977 16/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society U/S 35 (5) OF DCS ACT 2003 ROSEWOOD APPT. GROUP HOUSING SOCIETY LTD
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/966 9/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society order u/s 86(1) DCS, ACT,2003(The President /Secretary v/s Vikram Singh & ors.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/962 8/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/s 62 of DCS , Act, 2003 (Delhi Hindustani Mercantile CGHS Ltd.)
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/956 8/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/s 75 of DCS Act, 2003, (Sh. Bhupendra Singh Chauhan VsPanchshila CHBS Ltd.)
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/957 8/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/s 66(2) DCS Act, 2003 (Sh. Bhushan Jain Vs Sh Pradeep Jain, Jain Cooperative Bank Ltd.)
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/965 5/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/s 67 of DCS Act, 2003 (Praveen Chawala & Ors Vs President/Secretary Ratnakar CGHS Ltd)
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/960 4/3/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/s 91 of DCS, Act, 2003, (Mr. Jitender Gupta Vs The President/ Secretary, Deshbandhu CGHS Ltd.)
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