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Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1318 6/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Arbitrator case no. 77/GH/DR/ARB/2014-15 title as Sh. V. S. Jain v/s Ganga Triveni CGHS Ltd. & Ors.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1319 6/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Arbitrator case no. 75/GH/DR/ARB/2014-15 title as Mrs. Indu Kapoor v/s Ganga Triveni CGHS Ltd. & Ors.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1321 6/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Arbitrator case no. 78/GH/DR/ARB/2014-15 title as Mrs. Manju Mittal v/s Ganga Triveni CGHS Ltd. & Ors.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1324 5/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Whereas the application dated 10/11/2021 under RTI Act, 2005, was filed by Sh. Jeet Ram Solanki, Former Member of Legislative Assembly, NCT of Delhi, vide I.D No. 662 dated 08/12/2021 seeking informations, about Smt. Rohini Rawat, Bank Employee working in the Delhi State Co-operative Bank Ltd, 31, Netaji Subhash Marg, Daryaganj, New Delhi110002
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1315 5/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Ram Solanki, Former Member of Legislative Assembly, NCT of Delhi, vide I.D No. 662 dated 08/12/2021 seeking informations, about Smt. Rohini Rawat, Bank Employee working in the Delhi State Co-operative Bank Ltd, 31, Netaji Subhash Marg, Daryaganj, New Delhi- 110002.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1313 5/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Whereas, Sadbhawna CGHS Ltd. Plot No.11, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-1100/5 IS registered with this office vide registration No.893/GH under the provisions of DCS ACt & Rules framed thereunder and Bye-laws of the Society.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1314 5/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Whereas the application dated 10/11/2021 under RTI Act, 2005, was filed by Sh. Jeet Ram Solanki, Former Member of Legislative A ssembly, NCT of Delhi, vide I.D No. 667 dated 08/12/2021 seeking informations, about Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Officiating Chief Manager working in the Delhi State Co-operative Bank Ltd, 31, Netaji Subhash Marg, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1316 5/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Whereas the application dated10/11/2021 under RTI Act, 2005, was filed by Sh. Jeet Ram Solanki, Former Member of Legislative Assembly, NCT of Delhi, vide I.D No. 663 dated 08/12/2021 seeking informations, about Sh. Rajiv Kumar Kadyant who is working as Assistant General Manager in the Delhi State Co-operative Bank Ltd, 31, Netaji Subhash Marg. Daryaganj, New Delhi-1 10002
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1297 4/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Sub.:-Regarding Arbitrator case no. 44/GH/DR/ARB/2020-21 title as Smt. Shakuntla Devi V/s Jhang CGHS Ltd.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/71/1311 4/4/2022 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Arbitrator case no. 41/GH/DR/ARB/2020-21 title as Viresh & Anr. v/s Dr. RMLH & NHE CGHS Ltd. & Ors.
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