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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1090 17/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order Under section 86(1) of DCS Act,2003. order shall dispose of the application dated 27.10.2020 made by applicant society , bearing this office Diary No.26359 dated 28.10.2020 in this matter of The President / Secretary Maharishi Dayanand CGHS Ltd. Versus Vikram Singh & others
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1080 17/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society order U/S 61 of DCS ACT,2003 in the matter of Smt. Sharda Gupta & others Versus The President / Secretary
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1079 17/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/S 86(1) of DCS Act 2003, in the matter Annand Niketan CGHS Ltd. Versus Sh. Narsingh Awatar
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1089 17/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society order under section 86(1) of DCS Act 2003, The order shall dispose of the application dated 27.10.2020 made by applicant society, bearing this office Diary No 26359 dated 28.10.2020 in the matter of The President /Secretary Maharish Dayanand CGHS Ltd. Versus Vikram Singh & others
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1081 13/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society order U/S 35(5)of DCS Act,2003 the Competent Authority (Registrar Cooperative Societies ,New Delhi) is pleased to oppoint Sh. S.K.S Yadav Retd. (DANICS) As Administrator-Cum-Returning Officer
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1078 12/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Department promotion order No.55 bearing file No.F.4/12/2020/S.II/1704-13 dated 29.07.2021 and consequent upon joining of following officials, they are hereby taken on the strength of this department as. Sr.Asstt. with effect from the date of joining mentioned against their names.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1075 11/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society order under section 91 of DCS Act 2003,in the matter of Manju jain vs Riviera CGHS Ltd.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1066 6/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Chiniot - Co-Operative Group Housing Society Ltd.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1067 6/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society under section 86(1) of DCS Act, 2003 Dispose of the application dated 27.10.2020 made by applicant society, bearing this office diary no 26359 dated 28.10.2020
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1074 6/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Chiniot Co- Operative Group Housing Society Ltd.
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