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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1072 30/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society order U/S 91 of DCS ACT,2003,Notice were issue to both the parties and opportunities were given to personally hear both the parties
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1063 30/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society dispose of the Appeal u/s-19 of the Right to information Act, 2005
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1064 30/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society dispose of the Appeal u/s-19 of the Right to information Act, 2005
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1088 27/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Dr.Tungdim Philip thanglienmang DANICS/spl RCS is further appointed as Cantrolling officer for the following power in terms of Supplementary Rule 191 pf FRSR(PART-II)
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1091 27/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society The transfer/ posting of following officials is hereby ordered with immediate effect and till further orders. 1.Rajiv Rana (sr Asstt.) 2.Deepak (jr Asst.) 3.Kamlesh Kumar Vishwakarma (jr.Asst) 4.Mehak Bisht.(DEO)
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1085 26/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society order no.341 dated 04/08/2021 and order no.06/08/2021 and consequent upon joining of the following officer
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1084 24/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society The transfer/posting of following officials is hereby ordered
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1083 19/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society 1 Sh. Sanjay Jha 2. Sh Sandeep Yadav order no 311 dated 12/07/2021 oder no 314 dated 13/07/2021 and consequent upon joining of the following officers
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1093 18/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Consequent upon transfer of Sh. Ranjeet Singh,Addl . RCS Vide Services Stand Relieved order no.356 dated 13.08.2021
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/71/1086 17/8/2021 Registrar Cooperative Society Order U/S 40 of DCS Act 2003, in the matter of chairmen/CEO Jamia cooperative Bank Ltd. Versus Sh. Syed Mohd. Noorullah.
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