Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes

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Circular Number Circular Date Department Circular Subject
Comp.No:cir(2013)/3/85 22/3/2013 Delhi Transport Corporation(DTC) Dulendi Festival Celebrated on Wednesday, 27th March, 2013.
Comp.No:cir(2013)/3/116 22/3/2013 Delhi Transport Corporation(DTC) Directed by the Competent Authority that CVO,All CGMs,all Rms and All Depot Managers will meet public every day for at least one hour from 1200 to 1300 hrs.
Comp.No:cir(2013)/3/115 22/3/2013 Delhi Transport Corporation(DTC) Blind Employees of DTC are not being paid Transport allowance in accordance with the office order No. 1
Comp.No:cir(2013)/3/87 22/3/2013 Delhi Transport Corporation(DTC) Minutes of the DTC Board meeting held on 16.10.12, meeting rules, copy of notifications No.F.21/Secy.(STA)/97/262&263 dated 16th july 1997 of the constitution of DTC board
Comp.No:cir(2013)/6/32 21/3/2013 Excise The festive season, the department hereby allows all the distilleries to paste 2 D bar code sticker
Comp.No:cir(2013)/52/825 21/3/2013 Education Preliminary Selection Trial cum Coaching Camp for 58th National School Games 2012-13 in Boxing @ Sports Branch
Comp.No:cir(2013)/3/96 21/3/2013 Delhi Transport Corporation(DTC) Motorcycle inside the bus unauthorizedly
Comp.No:cir(2013)/26/125 21/3/2013 Delhi Jal Board(DJB) AC(D)-Regarding Filling up the post of Director(Ministral)
Comp.No:cir(2013)/1/41 21/3/2013 Administrative Reforms Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act,2005
Comp.No:cir(2013)/64/155 20/3/2013 Land and Building Notification u/s 4 of LA Act regarding acquisition of land in village Basai Darapur
Comp.No:cir(2013)/64/156 20/3/2013 Land and Building notification u/s 4 of LA Act regarding acquisition of land in village SHAHBAD DAULATPUR, PEHLADPUR BANGER,PANSALI
Comp.No:cir(2013)/63/76 19/3/2013 Labour Circular for Performance report of all ICSIL staff provided in districts by Labour Department Headquarter & Construction Board.
Comp.No:cir(2013)/52/823 19/3/2013 Education Regarding Application Form for Appointments on Compensation Ground @ E-I Branch
Comp.No:cir(2013)/52/824 19/3/2013 Education Request for Issue Of "No Objection Certificate" as well as "Health Certificate" for Obtaining License of 14 Swimming Pools of DoE @ Sports Branch
Comp.No:cir(2013)/13/119 19/3/2013 Training & Technical Education Salary Bills for the month of March 2013 presented by dealing staff before 15th March 2013 to concerned PAO
Comp.No:cir(2013)/13/118 19/3/2013 Training & Technical Education Regarding Provision of Medicine
Comp.No:cir(2013)/63/75 18/3/2013 Labour Circular to issue retirement order in advance in respect of the officials who are working in district offices of Labour Department are going to retire during the period w.e.f. 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014
Comp.No:cir(2013)/63/77 18/3/2013 Labour Circular for Filling up the post of Director(Ministerial) in Delhi Development Authority in PB-3 i.e 15600-39100/- with grade pay of Rs. 7600/- and Deputy Director(Ministerial) in the pay band -3 15600-39100/- with grade pay Rs.6600/- on deputation basis.
Comp.No:cir(2013)/62/37 18/3/2013 Irrigation and Flood Control(I&FC) Regarding the bill presented in PAOs are required to be cleared before the closing of financial year. And Regarding Timely payment of pensionary benefits to the retirees/family members.
Comp.No:cir(2013)/62/26 18/3/2013 Irrigation and Flood Control(I&FC) Reg. Discontinuation of " His Excellency" while addressing the President of India.
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