Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes
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Circular Number Circular Date Department Circular Subject
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/266 1/9/2021 Labour Procedure for submission of Medical Bills for Re-imbursement.
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/265 19/8/2021 Labour New Performa for Medical Reimbursement Claim.
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/264 3/8/2021 Labour Savings details of employees for the computation of Income Tax for the financial year 2021-22
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/263 14/5/2021 Labour Circular in respect of mandatorily registering with Labour Department through e-district portal under the ISM Act, 1979.
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/262 9/4/2021 Labour Training of Labour Inspectors and Inspecting Officers
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/261 8/3/2021 Labour Circular No. F.No.1/31/936/LC/Estt./17/1147-1152 dated 08/03/2021.
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/260 15/2/2021 Labour Please submit the newly merged bank detailed duly verified by the bank latest by 01/03/2021, in the accounts branch.
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/259 27/1/2021 Labour Final Seniority List in respect of Assistant Electrical Inspector as on 01/01/2020 after Seniority No.12 in Labour Department.
Comp.No:cir(2021)/63/258 18/1/2021 Labour The Final seniority List of Labour Officers working in Pay Level 7 of pay Matrix in Labour Department.
Comp.No:cir(2020)/63/257 29/12/2020 Labour Partial modification of the order No.F.1/31/892/LC/Estt./15/Pt.File-II/39 dated 08/01/2019, the Final Seniority list of Labour Officers working in pay Level 7 in the Labour Department, GNCTD.
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