Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes
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Circular Number Circular Date Department Circular Subject
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/205 18/10/2018 Labour Advisory for Payment of Bonus to outsourced workers by Contractors.
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/204 15/10/2018 Labour Forwarding of Compliance of Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure (CSMOP), relating to noting submission of matters to senior officers.
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/203 7/9/2018 Labour Recommendation of Contract Labour Advisory Board.
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/202 4/4/2018 Labour Seniority list of Dy. Labour Commissioner as on 01/01/2018
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/201 27/3/2018 Labour Circular for final seniority list from S. No. 38 to 42, Labour Officers department of GNCT of Delhi
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/199 19/3/2018 Labour Circular to requesting Group D/Class IV (Now MTS) for provide requisite information immediately for promotion to the post of Ahlmad
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/200 19/3/2018 Labour Circular for seniority list of Labour Officers, who are eligible for the promotion to the post of LO/ALC
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/198 9/3/2018 Labour Circular for Issuance of certificates for promotion to the post of Ahmad
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/197 8/3/2018 Labour Circular for final seniority list of Group D/Class IV (now MTs)
Comp.No:cir(2018)/63/195 12/2/2018 Labour Tentative Seniority List of Class – IV
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