Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes
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Circular Number Circular Date Department Circular Subject
Comp.No:cir(2017)/55/314 30/3/2017 Finance General Financial Rules, 2017.
Comp.No:cir(2017)/55/311 29/3/2017 Finance Rush of Expenditure in the closing months of financial year.
Comp.No:cir(2017)/55/313 28/3/2017 Finance Delegation of powers to sanction Scheme/ Projects.
Comp.No:cir(2017)/55/312 28/3/2017 Finance Enhancement of ceilings of light refreshments/ lunch at formal inter-departmental and other meetings.
Comp.No:cir(2017)/55/310 6/2/2017 Finance Income Tax deduction from Salaries during the financial year 2016-17 under section 192 of Income Tax Act, 1961.
Comp.No:cir(2017)/55/309 23/1/2017 Finance Pay revision of employees of Quasi-Government Organisations, Autonomous Organisations and Statutory Bodies etc.set up by and funded by central Gov.
Comp.No:cir(2017)/55/308 20/1/2017 Finance Consolidated remuneration payable to the persons engaged on contract basis.
Comp.No:cir(2016)/55/307 28/12/2016 Finance Provision of Contingency and its utilization.
Comp.No:cir(2016)/55/306 22/12/2016 Finance Circular regarding proposals for procurement/ installation/ up-gradation of IT infrastructure.
Comp.No:cir(2016)/55/305 1/12/2016 Finance Rate of DA applicable w.e.f.01.07.2016 to employees continuing to draw their pay in the pre-revised payscale as per 6th CPC.
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