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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2747 8/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding re-tender work of sanitation service, the Committee comprising of the following member
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2750 8/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding budget allocation under the Major Head "2235 02 102 54" in Demand No. 8 "Implementation of Juvenile Justice Act, 2000" (Care & Protection of Children) for the Financial Year 2021-22.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2744 7/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding continuation of order no F.1/WCD/H0fOrphan/CH/2021/5302-5307 dated 02.07.2021 issued by Admin Br. to conduct survey of Orphan Children. The following Welfare Officers are hereby attached with CWCs and DCPUs till 20th July, 2021 or till further orders.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2742 7/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding officers/officials are applying for Earned Leave at short periods of intimation.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2743 7/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Posting of Welfare Officer For Survey Of Orphan Children
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2741 6/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding all Officers/Officials of the DWCD are hereby directed to attend office on daily basis and adhere to punctuality in office timings without fail.
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2740 6/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding submission of APAR and Vigilance Perform
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2737 5/7/2021 Department of women& child Development SAMPARC - A SUSTAINABLE APPROACH FOR MULTI - FACETED PROGRESS AIMED AT RECLAIMING CHILDHOOD
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2739 5/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding the approval of Competent Authority, under rule-14 of Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978, is hereby conveyed declaring following officer as the DDO/H00
Comp.No:Odr(2021)/84/2738 2/7/2021 Department of women& child Development Regarding Welfare Officers are hereby deputed to conduct survey of Orphan Children as & when needed in the supervision of Joint Director(CPU) till 20th July, 2021 in the different Homes/ Institutions/ District Office along with their existing duties.
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