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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2232 7/4/2020 Department of women& child Development Extension of outsource deployement for release of remunerations/wages of the staff for the month March 2020
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2237 1/4/2020 Department of women& child Development Constitution of committee to inspect measures adopted in Child Care Institutions to prevent the possible spread of COVID-19
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2239 20/3/2020 Department of women& child Development Guideline for Child Welfare Committee for prevention and control of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2480 20/3/2020 Department of women& child Development Regarding for creation of following 03 temporary posts of IT cadre in DWCD on regular basis.
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2231 19/3/2020 Department of women& child Development In the matter of Smt. Krishna Kumari and Ors. Vs. Union of India and Ors in WP(C) 4037/2014.
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2224 19/3/2020 Department of women& child Development Regarding MEMORANDUM.
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2220 18/3/2020 Department of women& child Development Allocation of Revised estimates for the FY 2019-20
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2223 18/3/2020 Department of women& child Development Regarding Transfer/Posting Sh Ravi Jr. Asstt stand Relived order.
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2222 18/3/2020 Department of women& child Development Revised Estimates for the F.Y. 2019-20 in respect of Poshan Abhiyaan under demand No.8, Under Major Head"2236"
Comp.No:Odr(2020)/84/2221 18/3/2020 Department of women& child Development Revised Estimates for the F.Y 2019-20 in respect of POSHAN Abhiyaan under demand No.8. Under Major Head "2236"
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