Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes

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Circulars Orders Important Schemes eGazettes



Click on egazette Number for complete detail Archive
egazette Number egazette Date Department egazette Subject
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/75/54 26/10/2016 Transport Gazette Notification on STA Board
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/55/381 24/10/2016 Finance Appointment of Value Added Tax Inspectors.
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/4/63 24/10/2016 Directorate of Agricultural Marketing Notification reg. nominate Sh. Adeel Ahmad Khan as Member of APMC (MNI) Azadpur
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/55/379 21/10/2016 Finance Appointment of Sh.Kuldeep Singh as Joint Commissioner, VAT Deptt.
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/55/380 21/10/2016 Finance Appointment of Sh.H.Rajesh Prasad, IAS, Commissioner, VAT for carrying out the purposes of section 66 of the Delhi VAT Act, 2004.
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/6/56 10/10/2016 Excise Delhi Tax on Luxuries (Amendment) Act 2016 ( Delhi Act 04 of 2016)
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/55/377 7/10/2016 Finance Appointment of AVATO.
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/55/378 7/10/2016 Finance Notification regarding Delhi Tax on Luxuries (Amendment) Act, 2016.
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/55/376 23/9/2016 Finance Appointment of Assistant commissioner cum VATO.
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/84/9 21/9/2016 Department of women& child Development Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Model Rules, 2016.
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/13/21 30/8/2016 Training & Technical Education Notification regarding Fees Under DTTE Colleges
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/82/45 29/8/2016 Department of Urban Development Notified 5RRs and 1 Corrigendum of various posts under Local Bodies
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/4/62 9/8/2016 Directorate of Agricultural Marketing Notification reg. enhancement of promotion quota of Group D employees from 10% to 15%
Comp.No:egaz(2017)/75/58 26/7/2016 Transport Gazette notification on NMV lanes
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/55/375 25/7/2016 Finance Notification
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/8/229 21/7/2016 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Appointment of Sh. Tarunvir Singh Khehar as Addl. Standing Counsel (Civil) in Delhi High Court
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/16/37 21/7/2016 Art, Culture and Language Reconstitution of Governing Body of Maithili-Bhojpuri Academy
Comp.No:egaz(2016)/16/36 20/7/2016 Art, Culture and Language chief minister of Delhi(chairman, urdu academy) is pleased to remove Mohammad Atharuddin, from membership of governing body of Urdu academy
Comp.No:egaz(2017)/52/39 15/7/2016 Education Regarding R.R. to the Post of PGT (Physical Education) in the DOE, GNCTD
Comp.No:egaz(2017)/84/16 8/7/2016 Department of women& child Development Delhi Child Welfare Fund Rules, 2016.
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