Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes

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Circulars Orders Important Schemes eGazettes



Click on egazette Number for complete detail Archive
egazette Number egazette Date Department egazette Subject
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/63/22 27/7/2010 Labour Regarding summon of the Fifth Session of Fourth Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi to meet at Assembly Hall
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/71 22/7/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Nominated members of Delhi High Legal Service Committee for a period one year
Comp.No:egaz(2014)/75/7 21/7/2010 Transport Stage Carriage Buses
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/63/21 19/7/2010 Labour Notices to Extend the provision of Employess state Insurance Act to Classess of Establishment specified in Schedule annexed
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/82/2 12/7/2010 Department of Urban Development Notification on plastic waste
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/54/1 12/7/2010 Environment Gazette Notification on Ground Water dated 12/07/2010
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/71/18 7/7/2010 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Appointment of Sh. Hari Narain Meena, Adhoc DANICS, as Assistant Registrars Cooperative Societies, Delhi.
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/56/2 7/7/2010 Food and Supplies Notification
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/6/10 2/7/2010 Excise Delhi Liquor Licence (Second Amendment) Rules
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/82/1 1/7/2010 Department of Urban Development In pursuance of Clause 2 of Resolution
Comp.No:egaz(2013)/51/206 1/7/2010 District Administration (Revenue) Notification to revise the registration fees and Miscellaneous fee for Registration of Documents.
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/51/13 1/7/2010 District Administration (Revenue) Table for Registration Fee and Misc. Fee for Registration of Documents
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/69 30/6/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Appoints Ms Pratibha Rani a member of the DHJS as District Judge
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/70 30/6/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Appoints Ms Pratibha Rani as Member of the DHJS as District Judge
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/78/14 28/6/2010 Welfare of SC/ST Constitution of State Co-ordination Committee under Manual Scavengers Act
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/13/4 26/6/2010 Training & Technical Education State Council for Vocational Training
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/71/20 23/6/2010 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Appointment of Sh. Yogi Raj, as Deputy Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Delhi.
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/63/24 22/6/2010 Labour Regarding Confer the power of Inspector of Lifts on officers of Delhoi metro rail Corporation Ltd. fro period of three Year from date of Issue of this notification
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/67 16/6/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Appointment of Mr. Nirbhay Prakash, SC Category candidate on account of his failure to join the DJS
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/68 16/6/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Appointment of Mr. Anil Kumar Jha General Category candidate on account of His failure to joint the DHJS
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