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egazette Number egazette Date Department egazette Subject
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/76 13/8/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs 13st August 2010 issued by this Govt. in Persuance of the provisions of rules 12 of Delhi Higher Judicial Service rules,1970 as amended upto date.
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/71/19 10/8/2010 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Appointment of Sh. V. K. Beniwal, DANICS, as Additional Registrar Cooperative Societies, Delhi. ( nomenclature changed as Special Registrar vide Services department’s order no. 119 dt. 15.04.2010 as per Delhi Coop. Societies Act and Rules.)
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/71/17 10/8/2010 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Appointment of Sh. V. K. Beniwal, DANICS, as Additional Registrar Cooperative Societies, Delhi. ( nomenclature changed as Special Registrar vide Services department’s order no. 119 dt. 15.04.2010 as per Delhi Coop. Societies Act and Rules.)
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/63/7 6/8/2010 Labour Make schedule annexed hereto method of recuritment and qualifications necessary for appointments to the post of Dy. CIF & cancel the recuritment rules for the post of Dy. CIF notified by Notification no. F.3(39)/84-LC/Estt dt.29-May-89
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/82/9 5/8/2010 Department of Urban Development Appointment of Sh. Amar Nath
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/74 4/8/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Appoints the following Delhi Higher Judical Service Officer for the post of District Judge 10 Sh. S.K. Sarvaria 2.Sh. C.K. Chaturvedi
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/1/6 30/7/2010 Administrative Reforms Appointment of Sh Dinesh Gupta as Part Time Member Public Grievance Commission, GNCT of Delhi
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/1/7 30/7/2010 Administrative Reforms Appointment of Smt Nisha Samuel as Part Time member of PGC GNCT of Delhi
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/73 29/7/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Approval to the grant of Christian Marriage License to Rev. Ved Prakash, Pastor,
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/72 27/7/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Appoint/Promote the following officers Ms Kavari baweja, Ms Anu Grower Baliage, Ms Savita Rao Etc.
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/63/22 27/7/2010 Labour Regarding summon of the Fifth Session of Fourth Legislative Assembly of NCT of Delhi to meet at Assembly Hall
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/8/71 22/7/2010 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs Nominated members of Delhi High Legal Service Committee for a period one year
Comp.No:egaz(2014)/75/7 21/7/2010 Transport Stage Carriage Buses
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/63/21 19/7/2010 Labour Notices to Extend the provision of Employess state Insurance Act to Classess of Establishment specified in Schedule annexed
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/82/2 12/7/2010 Department of Urban Development Notification on plastic waste
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/54/1 12/7/2010 Environment Gazette Notification on Ground Water dated 12/07/2010
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/71/18 7/7/2010 Registrar Cooperative Society Regarding Appointment of Sh. Hari Narain Meena, Adhoc DANICS, as Assistant Registrars Cooperative Societies, Delhi.
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/56/2 7/7/2010 Food and Supplies Notification
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/6/10 2/7/2010 Excise Delhi Liquor Licence (Second Amendment) Rules
Comp.No:egaz(2011)/82/1 1/7/2010 Department of Urban Development In pursuance of Clause 2 of Resolution
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