Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes

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Circulars Orders Important Schemes



Click on Order  Number for complete detail Archive
Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/25/8695 8/3/2016 Delhi Fire Services REPLY UNDER RTI ID NO 4071 DATED 08 03 2016
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/25/8674 8/3/2016 Delhi Fire Services HOTEL SINGH CONTINENTAL 8A 6 WEA KAROL BAGH
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/12/272 8/3/2016 Department of Food Safety Appointment of Nodal Officer for Mid day meal in school and food and ration in Anganwadi centres
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/68/90 7/3/2016 Principal Accounts Office Taken on the strength of Smt. Sushma Sharma
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/63/796 7/3/2016 Labour Order to declare Smt. Nita Sharma, Dy. Labour Commissioner (Admn.) as Head of Office With immediate effect.
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/63/795 7/3/2016 Labour Order for Corrigendum of Dr. Yogesh Kumar Kataria for salary drawn.
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/63/791 7/3/2016 Labour Order for Work distribution amongst Spl.Labour Commissioner and Addl.Labour Commissioners with immediate effect.
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/51/1968 7/3/2016 District Administration (Revenue) Ms.Juhi Mukherjee DC(HQ)-II wiil look after the work of Minorities Affairs in Revenue Dept
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/51/1972 7/3/2016 District Administration (Revenue) Sanction for continuation of temporary posts
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/51/1970 7/3/2016 District Administration (Revenue) Sh Kuljeet Singh Supdt will assist the nodal officer
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