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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1743 6/4/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society Whereas, Ekjot Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd. (Regn. No 110/GH) is registered with this department under the provisions of DCS Act, Rules & Bye-laws framed thereunder
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1742 6/4/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society Sub. The Draft RRs for the post of Staff Car Driver (Grade I), in the Department of Registrar Cooperative Societies.
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1739 6/4/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society In pursuance of the office memorandum no. AB-14017/6/2009-Estt(RR) dated30/04/2010 issued by Ministry of personnel.
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1741 6/4/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society Sub. The Draft RRs for the post Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade), in the Department of Registrar Cooperative Societies.
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1740 6/4/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society Sub. The Draft RRs for the post of Staff Car Driver (Grade-II), in the department of Registrar Cooperative Societies.
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1869 6/4/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society Intimation regarding registration of "Shree Sita Ram Co-operative (Urban) Thrift & Credit Society Ltd."
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1733 3/4/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society This order is regrading the constitution of Financial Committee, Special Registrar Cooperative Societies is pleased to constitute the Local Financial Evaluation committee consisting of the following official with immediate effect till further orders.
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1823 28/3/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society Intimation regarding registration of "Jan Dhan Unnati Co-operative (U) T & C Society Ltd." and forwarding of registered bye-laws thereof.
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1721 27/3/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society This order shall dispose petition dated 14.03.2017 filed by Sh. R.K. Bharani, Advocate of the petitioner wherein the petitioner requested for the review of the order of the RCS dated 20.11.2012
Comp.No:Odr(2023)/71/1719 27/3/2023 Registrar Cooperative Society This order shall dispose of proceedings initiated under section 86(1) of DCS Act, 2003 read with Rule 99 of DCS rules, 2007 AGAINST Sh. pradeep Bambery , Member of The Nvketan CGHS Ltd. vide Notice dated 07.04.2021
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