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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1462 21/6/2022 Labour Sh. U.K. Sinha, DLC-I(HQ) appointed as Nodal Officer for the matters in e-samiksha portal
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1461 20/6/2022 Labour Taken on strength order of Sh. Tarun Chhikara, Electrical Overseer
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1460 15/6/2022 Labour Technical resignation of Sh. Vivek Kumar, Gr.IV(DASS)/Jr. Asstt.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1458 14/6/2022 Labour Appointment of DDO as Nodal Officer for the purpose of providing information on behalf of Labour Deptt. to the Deptt. of IT in relating to the payment of wages to the outsourced employees hired from various agencies.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1459 14/6/2022 Labour Order to nominate Sh. S.C. Yadav, Addl. LC as the authorized officer on behalf of Labour Department & Sh. Arun Kumar Jha, Secretary, DBOCWWB on behalf of said board to communicate or to release information to the press.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1457 14/6/2022 Labour Taken on strength order of Electrical Overseers
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1453 9/6/2022 Labour Creation of MEDIA CELL in Labour Department.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1454 9/6/2022 Labour Order of transfer/posting
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1456 9/6/2022 Labour Work allocation of Smt. Prem Lata, Librarian.
Comp.No:Odr(2022)/63/1455 8/6/2022 Labour Taken on strength order of Ms. Pinky Muhania, Statistical Officer.
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