Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes

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Circulars Orders Important Schemes



Click on Circular Number for complete detail Archive
Circular Number Circular Date Department Circular Subject
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1045 13/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services OFFICE CIRCULAR
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1043 13/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services Forwarding of letter in the matter of Amit v/s Govt. of NCT of Delhi & Ors, OA No. 1966/2021.
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1042 12/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services CORRIGENDUM
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1040 11/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services OFFICE CIRCULAR
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1041 11/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services OFFICE CIRCULAR
Comp.No:cir(2022)/26/1227 11/5/2022 Delhi Jal Board(DJB) Consultant (Law), Circular- 29408 dated 11.05.2022.
Comp.No:cir(2022)/26/1228 11/5/2022 Delhi Jal Board(DJB) Consultant (Law)/ Circular 29484 / Dated 11.05.2022.
Comp.No:cir(2022)/26/1223 11/5/2022 Delhi Jal Board(DJB) ACE (C)-8 Circular-413 dated 11.05.2022. Wash Your Hands Wear Mask & Maintain Social Distancing.
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1039 10/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services Revised Tentative Seniority list in r/o Head Masters/Head Mistress in the Pay Level-8
Comp.No:cir(2022)/52/4995 10/5/2022 Education Extension of Timeline for Submission of Articles for 4th Issue of “NAI UDAAN” the Quarterly Science Magazine @ Science & TV Branch
Comp.No:cir(2022)/52/4997 10/5/2022 Education Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Sustaining Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools – Guidelines for Swachhata Action Plan @ HQ Branch
Comp.No:cir(2022)/52/4994 10/5/2022 Education Summer Survey for Identifying Out Of School Children (OoSC) @ UEE Mission
Comp.No:cir(2022)/52/4991 9/5/2022 Education Regarding Online Verification of Applications on e-district Portal in r/o State Funded Scheme "Reimbursement of Tuition Fees to the Minority Students of Classes to XI" for 2020-21 and 2021-22 @ Planning Branch
Comp.No:cir(2022)/52/4992 9/5/2022 Education Invitation for Submission of Painting by Students for “NAI UDAAN” the Quarterly Science Magazine @ Science & TV Branch
Comp.No:cir(2022)/52/4993 9/5/2022 Education UDISE Plus DCF 2021-22 Submission and Declaration by Head of School and Verification / Authentication by CRCCs / DURCCs / DDE Zone / District Online @ IT Branch
Comp.No:cir(2022)/26/1225 6/5/2022 Delhi Jal Board(DJB) Joint Director (IT), Circular-1922 dated 06.05.2022
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1038 4/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services OFFICE CIRCULAR
Comp.No:cir(2022)/25/118 4/5/2022 Delhi Fire Services transfer order of fo 228/63 vikram singh
Comp.No:cir(2022)/73/1037 2/5/2022 Social Welfare / Rehabilitation Services Work order for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of 157 nos of CCTVs camera installed in HQ/homes/institutions under Department of Social Welfare
Comp.No:cir(2022)/52/4990 2/5/2022 Education Regarding Submission of Willingness for Re-Engagement - Extension of Date @ E-V Branch
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