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Order  Number Order  Date Department Order  Subject
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/606 21/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Sh. Premoday Khakha, Supdt/CDPO Asstt. Dtrector (Vigilance) assigned the additional charge of CTB
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/605 21/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Transfer of Anganwadi Workers, ICDS Project.
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/607 19/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Term of Reference:- Registration Certificate of all Institutions and Organizations established and run for Children in need of Care and Protection and in conflict with law under the Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children) Act, 2015 in NCT of Delhi
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/604 19/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Public Notice:- Children Separated from their families
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/603 19/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Public Notice:- Children Separated from their families
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/602 19/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Public Notice:-Make a donation to give Children housed in Govt. run Child Care Institutions a Happy& Healthy Childhood
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/600 18/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Transfer posting of Supdt./CDPO
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/599 17/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Sh. Som Naidu, DANICS, Additional Director WCD taken on Strenght,Charge of HOO of WCD-HQ, ADMIN, VIG, CTB, ESTATE, AC, Litigation branches and First Appellate Authority under RTI Act & Rules.
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/601 14/10/2016 Department of women& child Development Ms. Durgesh Nandani, Supdt is assigned the charge held by Ms. Pomilla Supdt during her leave period.
Comp.No:Odr(2016)/84/595 7/10/2016 Department of women& child Development ICDS Office order.
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