Delhi Government Centralized Circular, Order, Important Schemes

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Circulars Orders Important Schemes eGazettes



Click on egazette Number for complete detail Archive
egazette Number egazette Date Department egazette Subject
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/74/10 26/3/2012 Trade and Taxes Amendments in the delhi Value Added Tax Act,2004
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/137 26/3/2012 Finance Notification of Amendments in Six Schedule of the VAT act
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/134 23/3/2012 Finance Conferment of powers in r/o VATI
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/133 22/3/2012 Finance Conferment of powers in r/o AVATOs
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/12/7 21/3/2012 Department of Food Safety Re naming of the Department
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/12/8 21/3/2012 Department of Food Safety Re designation of Five Posts in the Department
Comp.No:egaz(2015)/12/35 21/3/2012 Department of Food Safety Regarding re designation of Five Posts and re naming of the Department of Prevention of Food Adulteration
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/8/163 20/3/2012 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs APPOINTMENT OF NEW ADVOCATES AS GOVERNMENT PANEL ADVOCATES FOR THE HIGH COURTS OF DELHI.
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/8/164 20/3/2012 Law and Justice and Legislative Affairs TO APPOINT THE NEW ADVOCATES PANEL FOR THE HIGH COURT AND DISTRICT COURT.
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/132 16/3/2012 Finance Order of remission of the duty payable/chargable on the instrument of lease deed to be executed in respect of property bearing 37, Golf Links, New Delhi
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/131 15/3/2012 Finance approval of the determination of 30,000 fully paid up shares to be issued by DFC
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/16/17 13/3/2012 Art, Culture and Language Reconstitute the General Council (Parishad Sabha) of Sahitya Kala Parishad
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/130 12/3/2012 Finance Appointment of Sh. prakash Chand Thakur and Sh.Sombir Singh as Assistant Luxary Tax Officer
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/64/6 9/3/2012 Land and Building Notification U/s 6 of LA Act 1894 regarding acquisition of Land in Bahapur Village
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/127 9/3/2012 Finance Appointment of Special Commissioner of VAT
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/128 9/3/2012 Finance conferment of powers in r/o AVATO
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/129 9/3/2012 Finance conferment of powers in r/o of VATI
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/55/135 2/3/2012 Finance Notification of Appointment of Sh. P.K.Panda and Sh. A.K.Kaushal As Addl. Commissioner of VAT and Sh. Vivek Kumar Tripathi as Joint Commissioner of VAT
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/1/18 27/2/2012 Administrative Reforms Regd.Ammendment in resolution of PGC for inclusion of Police Complaints Authority
Comp.No:egaz(2012)/6/31 24/2/2012 Excise Dry Days
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